Although the WMYSA has no official by-laws, it does rely upon many volunteers who serve in various roles that are critical to its ongoing success. If you have questions about or have an interest in helping in any of the following areas, please contact the people listed below.
Race Chairman & Webmaster: Scott Corder. scorder(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) or
Treasurer & Trophies: Marie Colville. mariemellcolville(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Registration & Scoring: Lisa Corder. lisacorder67(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)
Sportswear: open position
More info on these roles and opportunities to volunteer:
Lots of hands makes for easy work! Each and every area of responsibility below is an excellent way for parents and others to become more engaged in all the things that make the WMYSA such a success. Because our constituency is always changing over time, there is always a need for more people who are willing to help and learn along side our veteran volunteers. No prior knowledge or experience is necessary, the tasks are easy, mentoring is a cornerstone of our DNA, and the benefits and satisfaction are abundant. The only prerequisite is a love of kids messing about in boats!
RACE CHAIRMAN: Writes the annual Notice of Race (NOR), Sailing Instructions (SIs) and Entry Form. Leads and coordinates Race operations at WMYSA regattas. Lots of extra volunteers are always needed at each regatta and being part of the Race Committee is a great way to be on the water where you can witness the action up close!
TREASURER: Maintains the association’s modest bank account. Collects annual dues from each member club. Pays for expenses like trophies and annual web hosting fees.
REGISTRATION & SCORING: Manages the registration process at each regatta. Coordinates and tabulates the scoring. This process always needs extra volunteers, especially those who simply like to keep things organized and have spreadsheet skills. This is also a great way to get to know all the kids!
SPORTSWEAR: Develops the creation of WMYSA branded sportswear and manages the sale and distribution of these items.